[71.5 MB] [COMIX] Artist Paul Gillon, Erocomics (Russian). [rus, jpg]
Artist Paul Gillon, Erocomics (RUSSIAN).
– Syague: Russian
Distribution type: Erocomics.
Extension: JPG.
Resolution: 1325 x 1800 (more in preview).
Quantity: 3 (folders) comics. 146 color files.
About the author:
Paul Gillon .- (r. 11/5/1926, France) Paul Gillon debuted at the age of fourteen, he made illustrations (partitures), caricatures on musicians, theater people and Cinema for “Samedi-Soir, France Dimanche and Gavroche”. In 1947, he began working in the magazine of Vaillant comic, where he took over a number of such projects like “Lynx Blanc” (from Lucien Nortier) and Wango (from E.t. Coelho). In addition, he created a number of its own works, such as “Fils de Chine” (1950-53) and “Jeremie” (1968). In 1949, he also appears with severalMi short stories in “34 Camera”, “Femmes d’Aujourd’hui”, “Reves and Radar”. In 1959, in addition to his work in magazines, he begins to create daily comics “13, Rue de L’Espoir” according to Jacques and Francois Gall scripts, comics are published in “France-Soir” until 1972. In 1961, his name also appears in LE “Journal De Mickey”, where he made a number of comic adaptations to television series and movies, such as “Le Temps Des Copains”, “Le Fantome de Barbe-Noir”, “Teva” and “Notre Dame de Paris”. In 1964, Paul Gillon with a writer Jean-Claude Forest began futuristic saga “Les Temps Naufrages du”. This series, a masterpiece of the European comic book, was originally published in Chouchou, but after the disappearance of this magazine was translated. In “France-Soir”. In 1977, he appears in MetaL Hurlant and assumes the publication. In the same magazine Paul Gillon creates “Les Leviathans” (originally published in “BD” since 1978) and several scientific and popular illustrated stories and historical comics on the Moliterni “L’Histoire du Socialisme en France” scenario for the publication of Service de L’Homme . In 1985, Paul Gillon appears in VECU with “Au Nom De Tous Les Miens” (Patrick Cothias script). For L’Echo Des Savanes, he made the Erotic post-apocalyptic series’ La Survivante, “which consists of four episodes. Gillon, together with the writer Denis Lapiere in the mid-1990s, creates” La Derniere Des Salles Obscures “, which was published in two parts In Aire Libre, the Dupuis collection, in 1996 and 1998. In 2002, he released another books from this collection by nameM “La Veuve Blanche”. In the same year, he brought examples of “Les Conjures”, the 7th episode from “Le Decalogue from the Frank Giroud series, published by Glenat. At the same time, on the Richard Malka script, it creates” L’Ordre de Ciceron “, published in 2004 year ..
http://www.erocomics.ru/comics/gillon/all/-Dellection of erotic comics in Russian.
Description of comic books in preview.