[MISC] Chiudi Gli Occhi / Close your eyes (Cristina Fabris, PurplePress.it) [Oral Sex, Erotic] [JPG] [Ita]

Chiudi Gli Occhi from 1940×2900 to 2056×2900
Number of pages: 67
Format: JPG
Description: Publicada En Italia, Francia, Estados Unidos Y Los Pa \u0026#237; Ses Bajos, Cristina Es Una de Las Pocas Autoras 243;mics er\u0026#243;ticos que ha obtenido el reconocimiento del p\u0026#250;blico y de la cr\u0026#237;tica.
Sus historias turbias siempre han estado ambientadas en el reino del fetichismo extremo y el bdsm, sin descuidar Las Venas Sentimentales E IR \u0026#243; Nicas. Por Primera Vez, Se Recogen En Volumen Las Ilustraciones Publicadas a Lo Largo de Los a \u0026#241; OS Y Las in \u0026#233; Ditas O Realizadas Paral Paras 225 \u0026 Paras Cinematogr El Volumen, Impresso Con Esmero, Se Enrique Con Introducci \u0026#243; N De Roberto Baldazzini Y Un Ep \u0026#237; Logo de Berbera \u0026 Hyde. /
Christina Fabrice-One of the few authors of erotic comics who achieved the recognition of the public and criticism.
His gloomy stories have always been associated with extreme fetishism and gardens, not forgetting about sentimental and ironic veins.For the first time, illustrations published over the past years, as well as unpublished or ordered for individuals or for film production, are collected in full.Thoroughly printed volume is supplemented by the preface by Roberto Baldazzini and the afterword of Berbera \u0026 Hyde.
