Saria reclaimed [Inprogress, 0.13.1] (velmith) [2023, Adv, Side-Scroller, RPG, BATTLEFUKK, ANAL ASS, Corruption, Female Heroine, Dark Skin, Handjob, Monters, Oral , Vaginal Sex,RPG MAKER] [English]
Saria Reclaimed Production: 2023
Genre: Adv, Side-Scroller, RPG, Battlefuck, ANAL, BIG ASS, Corruption, Female Heroine, Dark Skin, Handjob, Monsters, Oral, Vaginal Sex, RPG MAKER
Censorship: No/eat a patch for deleting
Developer/Publisher: Velmith
Platform: PC/Windows
Type of publication: In development
version: 0.13.1
Language of the game (plot) [English [English [English [English)123] Interface language: English
Doistering language: English-system requirements:
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
CPU: 2.5+ GHZ Processor
ram: 4 Gb RAM
Vram: NOT An Integrated Video Card;DirectX 9/Opengl 4.1 Capable GPU
DirectX: Version 9.0-description
You play for Saria, whose journey will pass through a colorful and diverse world filled with various characters and creatures that you can fight or depravatedly over them within the frameworkcombat system.Will she give in to her desires and debauchery or will continue the bloody path of an immaculate virgin?
Throughout the game, enemies can tease fromThe state of Saria.Being naked, she will force enemies to perform various depraved things – from attempts to excite her with dirty conversations to arrogant harassment.As she corrupted, she will perform more and more obscene actions, whether for pleasure or just victory in battle.Loss in the battle is not the end of the world, but just the end of its immaculate. -Gigs in many ways reminds another Battlefuck game – Karryn’s Prison -, therefore, fans of this genre will come in.True, there is a smaller content, but the arts are simply chic, as well as the voice acting of the main character.